Breeding The Miniature Pinscher Responsibly

Breeding The Miniature Pinscher Responsibly

Author: John Jackson

There are many dog pregnancies that could be called "accidental." In other words, maybe the dog owners are unaware of or unconcerned about their dogs breeding habits. When one wishes to "breed" a dog to properly benefit the breed, such as the Min Pin, one should choose a breeder who is well aware of and experienced in managing the process. A good breeder will be able to properly match a pair for continuation of the breed and the special needs of the small Min Pin during a pregnancy.

A female Min Pin (bitch) should not be younger than two and a half years when it has its first pregnancy. Actually, there are medical tests needed prior to breeding that cannot be done until the Min Pin is at least two and one half. If a Min Pin becomes pregnant before the pelvis is sufficiently developed, there can be problems for both mother dog and her litter. Because the Min Pin is so small, it often requires delivery of its litter via C-section which is a surgical procedure.

As with any pregnant female, the pregnant Min Pin will have some prenatal care needs during the typical two month long pregnancy. The vet will provide information on the feeding needs of the Min Pin during the period of gestation. When the time for delivery gets close, taking the dog's temperature can indicate that labor is imminent. Also, the owner may observe some behavioral changes. These might include the Min Pin needing to have her own space more often or it could be the opposite behavior of becoming more "needy" of the owners attention. The Min Pin may also stop eating. The owner should prepare a comfortable "birthing" area in some place that is free from a lot of the usual family activity. The dog's vet should also be alerted that the litter is due in order to be ready in case of an emergency.

After the litter is delivered, there will need to be special care for the Min Pin diet as she nourishes her pups. Actually, there are special diets for a dog that is nursing a litter. The Min Pin owner needs to know that, even though the nursing diets are fed several times daily, mama Min Pin may still need some assistance. The owner can assist by giving feeding every 2 hours for about 2 weeks.

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About the Author

This article was written by John Jackson and has been contributed by For more information on the Miniature Pinscher, please visit our page